Execute dialogue


As App user (Notifier)
I want to register all relevant details of the incident
so that a complete claim notification van be made.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The app prompts the user to enter the relevant information. This is depandant on the situation.
  • The results of this dialogue is registered on the incident. This can be done once, after completion of the dialogue, or more than once (after each section).
  • It is recommended to send the results to the platform more than once: by doing this there is an early registration of information on the platform (for instance name and address).
  • To do this the following service is available: PUT /v2/incidents/{incidentUuid}/answers
  • The answers are being validated against the 'questions' definition as mentioned before. This validation only determines the state of the incident. The answers are allways being stored on the platform, even if they are not valid.
  • The response of the service contains the answers of both incidents: your own and the optionally linked incident of the counterpart. It also shows the validity of both notifications.
  • When the dialogue is finished for both parties, the app can show a summary of both notifications. This is a representation of the notification as will be delivered to the insurance company.
  • To retrieve the status and contents of the notifications there are two services available:
    GET /v2/incidents/{incidentUuid}. This returns the incidents and their statusses and possible validation errors. GET /v2/incidents/{incidentUuid}/answers. This returns the answers of both notifications.
  • For a double sided notifications on 2 devices both counterparts indenpendantly create theire notification. The data of each incident is mainly separated from each other. One exception is the location and time of the incident. Only one of both counterparts has to enter this information which has to be made available to the other party. There is a service on the platform with which an app can check whether the other party already has entered this information: PUT /v2/incidents/{incidentUuid}/views/location/skip. The response of this call shows whether the information has to be entered. When for some reason both parties do send the location and time information, the platform keeps the last version and shares this betweeen both notifications.

Sequence Diagram